BMW Footwell module reset

BMW footwell module frm reset, coding, programming (E90)

BMW Foot Well Module (FRM) controls electrical functions. Here are optional solutions of BMW FRM repair, incl. bmw frm3 repair, bmw frm module reset, bmw footwell module coding, how to code footwell module, footwell module programming, bmw e90 footwell module repair

This is the module that sits on the drivers side foot well, behind the hood release (in US cars).
Which vehicles are affected?
E90 Series BMW 3 Series Cars
E70 X5 Series
E81,E82,E87,E88 1 Series

What Faults are covered?
Various faults including
Reversing Lights Not Working
Number Plate Lights Not Working
1 or more sidelight,headlight,brake or tail lights not working

What causes these problems?
The FRM Footwell Module monitors & detects short circuit’s either in the wiring (common in the
E90 boot area) or a short circuit bulb. If you do not get the fault repaired quickly then the module
will eventually permanently switch off that particular output. Once it’s switched off it doesn’t make
any difference if you have repaired the fault the light will stay off.

BMW mechanic replace the complete FRM module at a cost of several hundred pounds including coding the module to your car. Here is the procedure in action on a reset we did to a E90 recently.

Load/re-write the original eeprom dump (parts requires coding as well)

Vehicle model example:
2011 BMW 3-series E90

PROGRAMMERS confirmed to support this MCU:
UPA USB Programmer

My collection of FRM3 dumps – p-flash and EEPROM.

1. Erase EEPROM (4096bytes)
2. Write good dump
3. Verify obd working and change vin / VO as if retrofitting used FRM3.
4. Flash with correct zusb number for your vehicle using winkfp.

To connect to the MCU there are 3 methods I’m aware of:
1. In socket – desolder chip
2. In circuit – BDM points – reverse of PCB – see image attached.
3. Direct – test clips onto pins like Pamona Micro Grabbers or cheaper alternative.

Connections to:
VDDR (5v)

Repair bricked FRM3

Read FRM module CPU data with VVDI ProgXprog or CG100 ecu programmer. Follow the wiring diagram and read eeprom data.
CPU type 9S12XEQ384

BMWe90 frm module

Fix BMW E90

You can see all data shows F, blank data, CPU data may has been lost


Load the original eeprom dump and re-write to CPU.

When do you need coding/don’t need coding?
There are many variants of FRM (Footwell Module) FRM1, FRM2, and FRM3 which all have different controls and functions such as lights, windows and doors. If the eeprom data is exactly the same as your car original data, you do not need coding.  If fog light or aperture still flashes after load original data, you need to do coding.
Device optional:
BMW ICOM Engineering software Ncs expert,
Here is the instruction of Launch X431 Pro, it is easier than ICOM engineering software.
Select vehicle make: BMW
Select Coding/Programming
obd2 fixing BMW
Select detail model: 3 series E90
OBD2 fixing BMW E90
Select data stream: FRM Module has been replaced
Fixing BMW E90 FRM
 Select FRM module
Fixing frm module
 Download file
Fix BMW E90 FRM Module
 Flash/Reset FRM
Fixing BMW E90 FRM Module
Fixing BMW E90 2011 FRM
FRM module is repaired.
Images and Article source:

10 thoughts on “BMW Footwell module reset”

    1. Hey I need help with resetting my 12 BMW X6 Footwell module( light control module). please help. thanks

  1. My son cooked his by unhooking his battery incorrectly. Bought a used one on eBay. Need help if used can be programmed to car??

  2. hello there i really need help i tried to reprogram my 2011 bmw 328i frm E89 E9x LED AHL , 9249085-02. unfortunately during the process xprogr said file was corrupted, y tried to reprogram but keeps saying is corrupted i tried in the car and so far no communication from the frm module, after may tryings i lost the original file now i have nothing that works, i need a dump , p-flash , d- flash and an eeprom to begin with and give another try, hope someone be able to help me thanks

  3. Hannes fuplessis

    Hey need help of reset frm 3series BMW 320i E90 2911 a lot of errors on cluster .door locks windows indicates emergency not working how to repair this please

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