Give your car a performance boost
@Automated we fix your car engine computer & Electronics to get you back on the road Quickly
Top brands we fix every day

We help you with auto electronics problems so you can focus on other important issues in your life.

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contact us
Feel free to send us your enquiries and we will be more than happy to answer them.
ECU Repair
We do ecu programming, repairs and renewing. We also sell new and second hand ECUs. Automated is a one-stop shop for ecu problem fixing

Key Programming
Misplaced, Lost or damaged your key? Worry no more give us a call and we’ll sort you immediately. We have a handy locksmith on standby to assist you in your hour of need.

professional Auto Diagnosis
Visit our workshop to get professional auto diagnosis. Our team of qualified staff will give you a complete diagnosis report and interpretation of the uncovered errors.
LAUNCH Updates
we get you the latest launch update so that you can focus on growing your business. we keep your launch diagnostic tool up to date so you enjoy the latest software
FRM Programming
Foot Well Module (FRM) controls electrical functions. we provide solution to various faults in the module. Talk to us and let us handle the rest for you.
ISM Virgining
We provide Intelligent Servo Module (ISM) control units renewing. we virgin engine control modules, clear crash data and so on. we have the latest tools to handle the job.